A looming crisis in higher education will soon impact generations of students: The very purpose of education is in question.
We are building a movement of educators to revitalize humanities and theological education.

We live in a time of contested humanity. What does it mean to be human? Whose humanity matters? What kind of life is worthy of our humanity?
We discern, articulate, and commend visions of flourishing life in our scholarship.

Public Engagement
The public longs for clarity and insight on the most pressing and divisive questions of our day.
We produce media resources and commentary that help people envision and pursue lives worthy of our shared humanity.
What kind of life is worth our humanity?
This is the animating question of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture, and has been for almost two decades of our work. As we look to the future, we are faced with ever new crises in political, intellectual, religious, and public life. And we see that the most fundamental questions about our humanity are again contested:
What does it mean to be human? Whose humanity matters? What is the shape of flourishing human life?
As I wrote with my co-author Matthew Croasmun in our book For the Life of the World: Theology That Makes a Difference, "Today ... theology has an indispensable contribution to make in countering taste-driven, individualized, unreflective ways of living and helping people articulate, embrace, and pursue a compelling vision of flourishing life for themselves and all creation.
"The Yale Center for Faith & Culture has laid a foundation of theological and ethical reflection that has made a lasting impact in higher education, public discourse, local church communities, interfaith relations, and the individual and family lives of those who think and feel deeply for the life of the world.
Now we’re setting new goals for expanded programming for the next decade and beyond. We are committed to the same core purpose:
To help people envision and pursue lives worthy of our humanity.
And we are committed to the same transformative scholarship, teaching, and public outreach that renews, restores, and inspires visions of flourishing life.
But the fact is, we rely heavily on the support of generous individuals and families who share our vision of enriching the world with deep reflection on the good life across cultural sectors—in education, religious communities, and the public sphere—so that every person has a chance to wrestle with life’s most important questions and take hold of the life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19).
Will you join us in the effort? Thank you for exploring how you might join us in our mission at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.

Miroslav Volf
Founder & Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale Divinity School
Our purpose is to help people envision and pursue lives worthy of our humanity. We see theology as a way of life seeking understanding. Our work takes its shape in research, teaching, and public engagement expressed through two initiatives: Christ & Flourishing & Life Worth Living.

Christ & Flourishing
What it means to be human and how to flourish are hotly contested in our world. We believe that Jesus Christ is the key to human flourishing, and that his life and work can revitalize and transform Christian higher education, the church, and through them, the world.

Life Worth Living
What is the shape of flourishing life? Life Worth Living equips students, educators, and the public for the lifelong process of discerning, articulating, and pursuing the good life through engaging the world’s philosophical and religious traditions.
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For gifts of marketable securities, contact Emily Reid in the Yale Divinity School Development Office.
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