Helping you envision and pursue a flourishing life through educational resources
Educational resources to help you envision and live a flourishing life
Our purpose is to help people envision and pursue lives worthy of our humanity. We see theology as a way of life seeking understanding. Our work takes its shape in research, teaching, and public engagement expressed through two initiatives: Christ & Flourishing & Life Worth Living.

Christ & Flourishing
What it means to be human and how to flourish are hotly contested in our world. We believe that Jesus Christ is the key to human flourishing, and that his life and work can revitalize and transform Christian higher education, the church, and through them, the world.

Life Worth Living
What is the shape of flourishing life? Life Worth Living equips students, educators, and the public for the lifelong process of discerning, articulating, and pursuing the good life through engaging the world’s philosophical and religious traditions.
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About Our Founder & Director

Miroslav Volf
Founder & Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture
The Yale Center for Faith & Culture is led by theologian Miroslav Volf, the Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School. He is author/editor of more than 20 books, including Exclusion & Embrace—which was named one of the best 100 books of the twentieth century—as well as A Public Faith: On How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good, Allah: A Christian Response,and most recently, For the Life of the World: Theology That Makes a Difference.
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