Why Christ & Flourishing Exists

Through our Christ & Flourishing initiative, the Yale Center for Faith & Culture is building a movement founded on the conviction that Jesus Christ is the path and the paradigm of our shared humanity.

Rooted in the conviction that right relation to God is integral to human beings’ highest flourishing, the Christ & Flourishing initiative aims to develop and promote a new cultural apologetic rooted in the portrait of humanity’s proper relation to God found in the life and person of Jesus Christ.

We built this initiative on the conviction that Jesus is the paradigm of living a life that is worthy of our humanity. This is the substance of our hope for the world and the foundation of our mission to foster truth-seeking conversations across the deep lines of difference that divide us today.

For Life-Long Learners

Educational resources to help you envision and live a flourishing life


Hope of Life in the Midst of Violence

Prof. Jürgen Moltmann was a great theologian of hope. Hope for Moltmann is the creative hope of life beyond the power of death. Moltmann experienced the seriousness of life and the jeopardy in which the modern world is in and he always raised his voice of hope in order to point his listeners and readers to the reality of God’s gift of life.

sun rising over water, overlaid over broken glass
People smiling and talking in an office
"There are not many classes like this one at Yale Divinity School. It was thoroughly theological while being completely practical. It developed my intellectual ability and my personal faith ... One of the best courses at YDS."

Yale Divinity Student / Christ & Being Human 2019

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Our work is made possible by

McDonald Agape Foundation
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Texas Methodist Foundation
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Tyndale Foundation
Blueprint 1543 logo
Blueprint 1543
Stewardship Foundation
Stewardship Foundation
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Everything we do is made possible by the charitable gifts of our friends and supporters. Learn more about how you can join us in helping people envision and pursue lives worthy of our humanity.

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