Gavin serves as a research assistant for Prof. Miroslav Volf. Born and raised in Indonesia, he earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Biola University and a Certificate from its Great Books program, Torrey Honors College. He is currently pursuing the M.A.R. in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology at Yale. Beyond his academic pursuits, he is also a staff writer for the Yale Logos and a campus photographer and videographer.
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Gavin serves as a research assistant for Prof. Miroslav Volf. Born and raised in Indonesia, he earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Biola University and a Certificate from its Great Books program, Torrey Honors College. He is currently pursuing the M.A.R. in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology at Yale. Beyond his academic pursuits, he is also a staff writer for the Yale Logos and a campus photographer and videographer.
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