Marianne Meye Thompson, the George Eldon Ladd Professor of New Testament, joined the Fuller Theological Seminary's School of Theology faculty in 1985. Thompson has been instrumental in developing advanced-level interdisciplinary courses that integrate biblical interpretation with other disciplines of the theological curriculum. She is author of John: A Commentary (New Testament Library, 2015), 1–3 John (IVP New Testament Commentary, 2011), A Commentary on Colossians and Philemon (The Two Horizons Commentary, 2005), The God of the Gospel of John (2001), and The Promise of the Father (2000), and coauthor of Introducing the New Testament (2001). She has also published numerous articles and reviews in scholarly journals.
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Marianne Meye Thompson, the George Eldon Ladd Professor of New Testament, joined the Fuller Theological Seminary's School of Theology faculty in 1985. Thompson has been instrumental in developing advanced-level interdisciplinary courses that integrate biblical interpretation with other disciplines of the theological curriculum. She is author of John: A Commentary (New Testament Library, 2015), 1–3 John (IVP New Testament Commentary, 2011), A Commentary on Colossians and Philemon (The Two Horizons Commentary, 2005), The God of the Gospel of John (2001), and The Promise of the Father (2000), and coauthor of Introducing the New Testament (2001). She has also published numerous articles and reviews in scholarly journals.
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