Episode Summary
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“That is the magic of forgiveness: That deed no longer counts against you.” Last summer, I found myself speaking these words before a very influential audience as I reflected on the power of repentance and forgiveness. An unlikely topic for a conference on innovation, leadership, and influence. Or was it?
Hundreds of innovators and leaders from across sectors of politics, business, science, the arts, education (and beyond) had gathered in the Rocky Mountains for the Aspen Ideas Festival. Panel host Kelly Corrigan had convened the session around the core theme of Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most: What makes life good?
For all the power of forgiveness in our lives—the beauty of being released from a deed that cannot be undone, I am alarmed at our culture’s increasing tendency to unlearn how to forgive.
This moment expresses so much of my personal commitment to the mission of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture: to reveal the transformative potential of the core teachings of Jesus Christ for our world today, and to do that through both our theological research, teaching networks, and public engagement efforts.
2023 saw remarkable progress for YCFC—some of our most effective and extensive outreach in our 20-year history. But through it all, we are humbled to be accompanied by gracious and generous supporters who remind us why we do what we do.
Miroslav Volf
Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture
Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic
Theology, Yale Divinity School
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Download our 2023 Annual Report
Featuring updates on our Christ & Flourishing and Life Worth Living initiatives, public engagement, teaching, research, and other memorable moments from 2023.